I'm linking up with Jen from Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts.

I have to get started on my Christmas Shopping (because I feel really behind this year), and I want to buy everyone on my list subscription boxes, but keep buying them for myself instead. Ooops. Maybe I'll buy the Popsugar Special Edition Holiday for Him Box for my guy, since he already bought the Popsugar Special Edition Neiman Marcus Box for me (sorry the NM limited edition box is sold out). And we'll have a Holly Jolly Popsugar Christmas!!!

I get so excited when I start seeing shipping notices for multiple subscriptions, but why do they all seem to arrive at the same time. I'd love it if I got them spread out throughout the whole month instead of all on one or two days. That's just me being silly though. When I see those packages sitting on my doorstep it makes my whole day!

What are your Thursday Thoughts?
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