Rating: Not For Me!
Cost: $36/month
I received my February
Wantable Intimates box today and I was so excited to open it! I was hoping for something cute, like all the adorable chemises I had seen in other reviews. It looked like the February boxes were a little more flirty than normal and I was really looking forward to that. Most of the reviews for Wantable Intimates I've seen came shipped in a black box, but mine have always been white. Any idea why this might be?!? Just curious...
Here is the first look.
I couldn't really see much at all. I will share with you the quote on the back of the 'Hello Again, Beauty!' insert. It was cute and I enjoy reading them.
So, now onto what was in my box. I need to start off by saying I looked at the order sheet enclosed and was very disappointed. I had changed my profile settings to try to receive more flirty pieces and was really hoping for lingerie for Valentine's Day. It didn't look like I was getting anything like that.
The first item was Alo Yoga V-Neck Tank in navy/pacific/white. Retail Price $21.00. Well, I don't work out or hang out at a gym or anything, so this is useless to me. Not exactly something I'll wear outside of the house or probably even around the house. Just totally not my style, at all. I'm sure some people may have loved this, but it's really not for me. I was already wondering what in my settings would have made them think I would wear something like this.
The next item was Look by M Solid Color Tights in deep blue. Retail Price $15.00. I have no idea what size these are or if these will even fit me because I couldn't find anything on the packaging. Plus, I already own similar colored tights and don't really need any more. Another dud for this box. It was really not looking promising.
I also received Icy Hot Sweet Dots Hipster Pink Glo/Excalibur. Retail Price $8.99. These were a little young for me and did not look or feel like quality panties. I've never heard of this brand, but I picture someone younger than me wearing these, maybe someone from age 18-22. Again, another miss for me. And by this time I had already decided that whatever the last item was it would not be worth it for me to keep this box because I will not use 3 out of the 4 items.
The last item I received was Betsey Johnson Intimates Sleep Shorts Houndstooth. Retail Price $29.00. I had seen other people had received these in previous boxes and they are the only item I kind of liked in my box this month. I wasn't crazy about them, but if I received them with other items I loved I would have kept them. They fit comfortable and are cute. They also have some rosette details on the sides and back pocket, which I like.
This box was a total miss for me and I will be returning it. I loved some of the reviews I've seen for other February boxes and there are some really great items you could have received in this month's box including Muk Luk boot socks and Kiby chemise or cami sets. I would have loved to see a beautiful cami set in my box or boot socks (I never received anything from the brand Muk Luks and everybody is raving about their products).
I've changed my settings and don't seem to get the items I'm hoping for in this box, so I'm going to cancel this subscription. I'm hoping another intimates subscription starts up soon, because I was really looking forward to a box like this. But everything I've received in my
Wantable Intimates boxes doesn't seem worth it for the price I pay, so this box is out for me. I'll be happy to add another subscription box with the money I'm saving from this one. I'm thinking maybe Her Fashion Box, which just started shipping to the US, or maybe Fair Ivy to get some pretty jewelry pieces.
I'm adding on to this post because I received my replacement February box after sending back the box reviewed above. I just wanted to share what I received. I had requested a few items I had seen others receive for February, so I was hoping for a box with exactly what I wanted. So, I received a black box this time. What is the difference between the white and black boxes, does anyone know?!?
I was surprised this box arrived in one piece. It was in bad shape and falling apart, but everything seemed fine inside, which was amazing. Here's what I got.
Wantable included a cute OOPS! note, which was very thoughtful. I love those inserts!
I was very surprised when I pulled out my order sheet and only saw 3 items listed. I've never received less than 4 pieces and have always seen reviews for 4-5 items. Not sure why I received less than the normal. I went back and looked at reviews that received the same or similar items and it didn't seem like my box was more expensive than others with 4 items, so that's a mystery to me. And it made me kind of sad, because I feel like I should have received a 4th item, even if it was an inexpensive pair of undies or socks.
The first item I received was something I requested, the Kiby's Mandy Slip. Retail Price $44.00. I thought this was adorable when I saw it in other reviews and wanted it for myself. I love the print! But it doesn't fit as well as I expected. It runs small and is much tighter than I prefer. I like when slips/chemises fit a little looser under the bodice, but that's just me and I'm sure most people would love the fit of this.
I had to do a close up to show the print and the lace detail. Love it!
I had also seen others receive Rhonda Shear panties that I was jealous of, so I requested something by Rhonda Shear in this box. And I received my favorite item from this box, which was these lacy red panties. Retail Price $22.90. These fit really flirty and adorable, and were exactly what I was hoping for in a February Valentine's box. These have really cute bow details too. Love these so much!!!
The last item I requested was something from Muk Luks, because I hadn't received anything from the brand yet and people were raving about their products. They sent me the Muk Luks Aloe Socks, which I haven't tried yet, but am really looking forward to. Retail Price $10.00. My feet could really use some added moisture through the winter months. I had mentioned the Muk Luks boot socks everyone was receiving and was really hoping to get them, or the adorable tights I seen some people receive. But I'm sure I'll love these socks too!
Wantable definitely listened to my request and sent me a box with exactly what I wanted, which I'm very happy about. I was hoping for a 4th item, and I'm not sure why I didn't get one, but I'm much happier with the pieces in this box!
*This subscription was purchased and financed by me, unless noted otherwise. Posts may contain referral links and I totally appreciate it when you use them!