Thursday, August 22, 2013

Citrus Lane August 2013

Rating: Lifer!!!!!
Cost $25/month

My 14 month old daughter's Citrus Lane box came yesterday! I was so excited to see this month's box, because it was a back to school theme. Even though my little one is not close to going to school yet, last year's back to school box was my favorite, so I couldn't wait to see this years. It definitely didn't disappoint. 

The picture below shows what we received in our August Citrus Lane Box.

This month my daughter was so excited to see the Crocodile Creek playground ball that was included. It is a 5" rubber ball that's pink with a super cute pony print! My daughter immediately pulled it out of the box and started rolling it around the living room and giggled at it. So cute! The toys she receives from her Citrus Lane boxes are always her favorites, and she plays with them more than anything else. 

To go along with the ball, we received a bowling ball activity. The pins are labeled 1, 2, 3 on one side, and A, B, C on the other side. We are going to have fun trying to knock them down with the ball. She laughs so hard when things fall over, so this will be a very fun game for her!

The next item was All Natural Hand Sanitizing Wipes from CleanWell. These are perfect, because we all know how messy a 14 month old can be. I'm sure we'll put these to the test and the orange vanilla scent is very nice!

We also received Mighty Shield Bug Repellent Lotion from Episencial. I can't wait to try this! Bugs love baby's soft delicate skin, so I'm hoping this will really ward them off. She loves the outdoors, so this was a fun product to see included in our box!

The next product was Adhesive Bandages from Ouchies Jr. We received the Olivia the pig designs, which are completely adorable! I'm hoping we don't need to use these often, but when we do maybe they'll make it hurt a bit less for her. And they're 100% latex free, which I'm excited about!

We received the book Octopus Opposites from Barefoot Books. My daughter loves looking at books! (Usually holding them upside down) This one is so cute with bright colored pictures and the pages are really thick, so it is perfect for her age. I have a feeling this may be her new favorite book!

There was also a special offer included in the box for a free trial offer from FabKids, which is a clothing subscription for children. As a Citrus Lane subscriber we received a code for a free outfit! ($39.95 value) FabKids starts at size 2T and goes up to a size 12. My daughter is still a bit small, but will probably fit in 2T in the winter or spring, so I decided to check out the website to see if I could find something that she might be able to wear later. (If not my niece was going to get a free outfit) But when I checked out the website there were so many cute outfits and I couldn't resist! I purchased an outfit for my little one, that we will save for later. I posted the picture of what I chose below. I'll do the review in a separate post once we receive it. (I wish the dress I chose for her came in my size) So cute!

I loved EVERYTHING in this box! We continue to receive amazing products month after month that always get so much use. I can't wait to see next month's box!!!

Use the below link to save $10 on your subscription to Citrus Lane

What are your thoughts about Citrus Lane? Please comment below...

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