Be honest, you've probably skipped class or called in sick to a job when you hear about a sale you just can't miss! I've decided to tell you the lengths I've gone to, so I don't miss out on an anticipated sale (Golden Tote). These companies sometimes hype these sales up, with countless emails and pictures of what will be offered and then you have to wait until the day of the sale (and it always seems to take forever).
I'll admit, I've been known to set alarms and skip work for a sale. I anxiously await the day Golden Tote sales open for the month (it opens Monday February 3rd at 9 am PST). The January Mystery Tote sold out quickly and they have hyped up February, so I think it may sell out quick (or at least the items everybody wants). Okay, some of you may think I'm crazy, but I preferred when they opened the sale at midnight PST, instead of 9 am PST. I live on the East Coast and I would set my alarm to get up to order and then go back to bed (and I never missed out on anything that I wanted).
For February they are advertising the sale will open at 9 am PST (and I know they'll stick to it after the totes for January sold out before the official release of the sale). And this wouldn't pose a problem for most people living on the East Coast (it's noon here), but my work computer will not allow access to their website. And my mobile devices do not load the page correctly. And after the below spoilers there is no way I can miss this sale. What should I do?!?
So, I came up with a plan. I thought about bringing my laptop to work, going somewhere with wifi during my lunch and ordering. And then I thought I might get stuck at work and wouldn't take my lunch right when the sale opened. It was making me nervous. I could call in sick. I NEED my Golden Tote this month!!! I asked my boss if I could work from home instead. That way I have my regular home computer (to order my Golden Tote) and my work computer to still get my work done. And my boss agreed. Yay!!!! Now, I'm relaxed and know that whenever the sale opens on Monday I'll be ready.
And the real reason I can't miss this sale is the spoiler they released for a surprise dress that will be included in the $149 totes. I LOVE it!!!! It's the Savant Swing Dress I've been lusting after from Anthropologie, complete with elbow patches and in the best navy color. So perfect for me!
If you haven't purchased a Golden Tote yet what are you waiting for, seriously what?!? The value is amazing, the clothes are adorable and have I mentioned the girls behind Golden Tote design the Puella line that sells at retailers such as Anthropologie (swing dress pictured above is Puella, retail price $98). So, if you haven't already, check out all the great items Golden Tote is adding to their boutique (that I'm hoping will be choices for the totes). I need this sweater. And I'm betting it will be the first thing to sell out if it is offered as a choice (they had a similar chunkier one a few months ago that sold out quick).
What will you be doing to make sure you get what you want in your Golden Tote?!? Is anyone taking great measures like I have? I'd love to hear your stories.
Kristie I so relate to this post; I always stay up late for Golden tote and love how you arranged to stay home to make sure you get one! XO, Elif